Sauntering around Sudbury

I hadn’t been in the house longer than three minutes when I asked if I could move in the next day. Gary, the kind older gent who owns the house, must not have heard me or else was too startled by my abruptness to really process what I was saying, because he just continued the…

Pretending to be a model for a day

When I was young, somewhere between seven and twelve, my mom suggested I do some modelling. I said no. To my mind, models were conceited and vapid and generally not the sort of people that I wanted to be. Plus I’d heard rumours that they barely ate anything, and I knew that would never fly….

Groggy morning musings

Sometimes I don’t wake up in Canadian Tire parking lots, nested in the ratty cab of a pick-up truck. Other times I do. This morning was one of the latter. I had just dropped my parents off at the airport at 3:30am and was driving the truck back to its home in Balderson – however,…

Video of the Half-Ironman

As promised, here’s a little video I made about our race weekend. It was my first time using this video software, but I hope you like it!

ps: I’ve made the video unlisted, so you can only access it through the link here (as in, it won’t show up on searches in youtube)

When hospitalization starts to look good

If someone would be so kind, could they please batter my kneecaps with a baseball bat? A few hearty Babe Ruth-inspired thwacks oughta do it. You see, it’s not that I don’t want to do the Half-Ironman in two(ish) weeks – I do – but as July 8th draws closer, it’s hard not to get…

Popularizing the Poles

As a fledgling writer, you’ve got to find nuggets of happiness where you can, and cling to them. This past week at the IPY conference in Montreal, the nuggets to which I clung came in the form of business cards. Remember pogs? These cards have become my pogs, and I have been hoarding them with…

A Resolution, one third of the way through

In the months preceding my first year of university, my then-boyfriend once gave me a tip. “Just make sure you don’t talk too much about exercise and you’ll make friends just fine,” he said. I was somewhat taken aback. What was he trying to say?? Apparently I enjoy talking about exercise-related topics, and apparently there…

Summer round-up

For the first September in 19 years, I find myself not in a classroom. My internship is done, and after puttering around the east coast for a bit, I’ve just returned to Ottawa and am setting up temporary roost. But though the blackboard is gone, I daresay the learning has just begun. – -..Yeah, I’m…

Fun with the Fam

So this past weekend my darling family came to visit me in Saint John. Well, actually they came to pick me up in Saint John and then we swiftly evacuated for less dreary, cloud-covered locales. (just joking SJ, you’re alright). It was lovely to see them all again, and a nice break. We also went…

Ten Tips for the Beginning Bike-tripper

When you’re zooming downhill, with wind whipping tears from the corner of your eyes and every muscle tense as a violin string, bike-tripping might seem like the ultimate way to travel. Not only does it get you from A to B on your own schedule, but you can’t beat the cost to speed ratio. And while…